Thursday, April 17, 2014

Qigong and Meditation Join Forces

 I Can Feel the Energy

Pronunciation:  chee gong
Translation (broadly, from the Chinese): working with life energy

We were fortunate to have a gifted qigong teacher work with us this week.  In addition, three visitors joined us.

We did a series of gentle exercises, either sitting or standing, with adaptations as needed.  This was followed by guided meditation. 
Over the centuries, qigong training has been secretive, with knowledge passed from adept master to student.  It was prohibited during the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s and allowed again after 1976.

Disparate approaches were merged and popularized, with the emphasis shifted from traditional philosophy, spiritual attainment, and folklore,  toward health benefits, healing and martial arts.  Interest in qigong has been gaining popularity, with millions of practitioners worldwide.

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